
Wednesday 23 January 2019

Waka Ama

I wouldn't want to be in a waka ama race as it looks to hard and physical im not really into things like this. 
I would be to scared that i would full into the water and let my team down.

Setting Sail

Dear friend

I am setting sail on a voyage across the ocean we have already sailed thousands of miles.
I do hope that we get to new Zealand soon as im very sea sick and staving.
I am very nervous to set foot on new Zealand, hope the people are nice there.

From Arnicka

Te First Settlers

1 Maui was able to weave a strong fishing line made from flax and jawbone which he was given by his ancestor Murirangawhenua 

2 Maui did a karakia then his brothers put there fishing lines in the water and they were caching lots of fish 

3  Maui punched  his self for his blood for bait  because his brothers would not give him any bait